

Sapience level Non-sapient
Lifespan 120+ years
Average height 23 ft.
Diet Herbivore
Social unit Herd
Population status Common
Danger rating Extreme threat

More Future is Wild species

The Toraton is a future descendant of the tortise. The toraton lives in the Bengal Swamp, which replaced the Bay of Bengal after East Africa collides with Southeast Asia.

Anatomy and appearance[]

The toraton is 23 feet (7 m) tall and weighs 120 tons. The toraton is the heaviest creature to walk the earth, if measured in terms of bulk and weight (growing even heaver than the dinosaurs), though the sauropod Argentinosaurus and other giant animals such as Paraceratherium like it rival the giant turtle in size. Although young toratons are small enough to be killed by swampus venom, the adults are too big to be harmed. In fact, a full grown toraton has no predators.

The skin of the Toraton is more rough and leathery than the scaly and baggy skin of a tortoise. They consume 1,300 pounds of vegetation a day. It requires less food than a mammal of the same size because of its ectothermic ancestry. They are noisy animals, producing very deep bellows which can be heard for miles across the swamp. The toraton cannot withdraw into its shell like the tortoise could, but its shell is used to protect and partially support its muscles. The toraton has evolved a digestive system that has a muscular stomach to grind its food, and a gut filled with bacteria to digest the rest of the vegetation. Its legs have moved directly underneath its body to support the tons of massive muscle on this enormous creature.


The toraton eats constantly. They mate back to back because they are so massive that if the male were to get onto the female she would be injured. She lays her two large eggs in a nest. She must help them crack their shells open. They are cared for 5 years by their parents. Capable of living for 120 years or more when an adult toraton feels death approaching, it will migrate to large toraton graveyards, where decomposing toratons produce enormous amounts of heat.
